
Showing posts from May, 2017

My bags are packed. Are yours?

Almost everyone loves to travel. Being on vacation allows you to break away from the usual routine, relax and enjoy new things. Travel brings the thrill of seeing new sights and having new adventures. God created a magnificent and wondrous world for us to explore and enjoy. Our family took a road trip to Kentucky last fall to see the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum.   It was an incredible and unforgettable family trip.   I hope that our kids will remember and treasure the little trips we take as a family.   God willing I hope that we will have lots more family adventures.    Lately, I have been spending more and more time thinking about the final trip that everyone must take.    On this eternal trip, there are two final destinations; one place is a place of extreme torment, of blazing fire, of agonizing pain, and of utter darkness. The other place is beautiful, glorious, free of pain, free of sorrow, free of evil, and the glory o...

Your Word is a Lamp to my feet

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”   (Psalm 119:105) The psalmist reveals to us a great truth; the world is a fallen, dark, and dangerous place to wander.   Sometimes it feels terrifying, and we can't see the path ahead because it is pitch black darkness.   This verse resonates with me because I get it.    The psalmist is expressing his comfort knowing that the word of God is a lamp for his feet.   His next immediate step is now visible, and the path he needs to travel on is now clear thanks to God's word. “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12) We as believers in Christ have the truth of the gospel message in our hearts.   We have the light inside us, and we are to be lights in this dark world.   We aren't supposed to cover or hide this light inside us.   We need to shine...

Life Insurance vs. Life Assurance

I grew up the son of an Insurance broker.    During my working career, I have been an insurance broker for home/auto insurance, and I have held a life insurance sales license.    Over the past six years, I have worked in IT/IS for large insurance and financial services companies.   I have spent years in the heart of enemy controlled territory.   During these six years, I have learned that these companies are teaching consumers that it is a good idea to a good retirement plan to build a large sum of money for a comfortable and fun retirement.   Also that I need to have insurance policies to protect my worldly goods and even to protect my life if I die early. The world tells me that it is a good idea to be ready in case something happens to interrupt my plans of a comfortable life and a luxurious retirement. The people of this world are missing the point.   They are snared in the trap of the enemy.    With...